As Tom Petty once sang – The waiting is the Hardest Part

The darn wind here has SUCKED!! But I remain hopeful for better things to come.

Session Date: May 4th, 2012

Session Time: 1:30 – 3:30

Location: Sheboygan, WI the North Launch near the pier

2012 Season Days to Date: 7

2012 Season Hours to Date: 16.25

Wind Observations: What can I say it was Sheboygan, always so solid here. This place is an hour drive for me but from NE – S the drive is so so worth it. I need the free time but when I do I go. As you can see from the chart the gust range is low and the wind is constant and solid. I have not kited a ton of spots on Lake Michigan but I really love this spot. It is worth noting however that the meter on the lighthouse is a tad bit deceiving. From my experience it is about 3-4 miles above what you experience riding. I have no idea why other then it’s height and exposure, but I firmly believe it to be the case.

Session Notes: NE is easily my favorite direction in Sheboygan. The breakwall/pier you see pictured really cleans up the waves. NE would side on blowing left to right across the picture. If the swells get a chance to build it can be amazing. This day however was short lived and not a multiple day blow, so the waves were about chest high. Many were on surfboards but I strictly rode my twin tip on this day. The wind was a pinch to much North which creates a wind shadow from the resort that is not pictured but just to the left. The shadow is in close but it covers some of the area the waves break the best when they are not real big. All in all not much of a leaning day for me. Was more just ride my twin tip and have fun boosting off wave ramps. I had my surfboard with me but my time was limited so I just wanted to ride and enjoy my first session of 2012 on Mother Michigan. Great day and left with a big smile on my face. I have so much left to learn and I can’t wait! Now give me some more wind Mother Nature!!