Hello to anyone that stumbles across this blog. I am a Wisconsin based Kiteboarder that got into the sport in 2010 when I was just turning 40 years old. Thus I am entering my third full season of kiteboarding or kitesurfing whicever you prefer.

I have been kicking around the idea of keeping a log book of my sessions. I looked around for a tool that had what I needed to keep the wind stats, and session data I wanted and decided a blog was the best solution.

Most of my posts will be just that, session logs. But on occassion I will take the time to review equipment I have used, spots I have been to or visited and just anything that is on my mind.  I toyed with keeping the site private, but if any of the information I post can help anyone learn to be a better, more informed or safer kiter I am all for allowing access to the masses.

Enjoy and thanks for visiting if you have a question you can always contact me through the site.